Field Target International Federations.
In each link are the rules, calendars of events, tournament results, and list contacts with member clubs; see the images galleries allow see the field, adapting rifles, scopes and accessories; in many cases include activities related to HFT and benchrest.
World Field Target Federation:
WFTF - World Field Target Federation.
USA (Us):
AAFTA - American Airgun Field Target.
Argentina (Ar):
AAFT - Asociacion Argentina de Field Target.
Federada desde abril/2012.
Australia (Au):
SSAA - Sporting Shooters’ Association of Australia
![BSA Scopes](
FTAA - Field Target Association of Australasia Inc.
Austria (At):
AMSA – Austrian Metallic Silhouette Assiciation.
Belgium (Be):
BFTSA - Belgian Field Target Shooting Association.
Brasil (Br):
CBTE- Confederação Brasileira de Tiro Esportivo.
Bulgaria (Bg):
BGFTA - Bulgarian Field Target Association.
Canada (Ca):
CAFTA - Canadian Airgun Field Target Association.
Chile (Cl):
CTFTCH - Club de Tiro con Aire Comprimido - Chile.
Colombia (Co):
Croatia (Hr):
Field Target Croatia
El Salvador (Sv):
AFTES - Asociación de Field Target y Tiro de Precisión de El Salvador.
![Reglamento de Field Target](
AEFT - Asociación Española de Field Target.
Estonia (Ee):
ENFTA - Estonian Nacional Field Target Association.
France (Fr):
AFFT - Association Française de Field Target.
Germany (De):
BDS - Bundes Deutscher Sportschützen.
Great Britain (Gb):
BFTA - British Field Target Association.
Guatemala (Gt):
Field Target Guatemala.
Honduras (Hn):
Field target Honduras.
Hungary (Hu):
HFTA – Hungarian Field Target Association.
Italy (It):
IFTA - Italian Federation Of Field Target Associations.
Italy (It):
FFTI - Federazione Field Target Italia.
Latvia (Lv):
LNFTA - Latvian National Field Tarhet Association.
Lithuania (Lt):
LFTSA - Lithuanian Field Target Shooting Association.
Malta (Mt):
MAAC - Malta Allied Airgunners Club.
México (Mx):
AMFT - Asociación Mexicanan de Field Target.
Netherlands (Nl):
DFTA - Dutch Field Target Association.
New Zealand (Nz):
NZAFTA - New Zealand Airgun Field Target Association.
Norway (No):
NFTAC - Norwegian Field Target & Airgun Club.
Perú (Pe):
(No federated community of fans).
Poland (Pl):
PFTA - Polish Field Target Association.
Portugal (Pt);
APFT - Associação Portuguesa de Field Target.
Puerto Rico:
PRFTA - Puerto Rico Field Target Assiciation.
Russia (Ru):
RNAFT - Russian National Association Field –Target.
Slovaquia (Sk):
SAFTA - Slovak Airgun Field Target Association.
Spain (Es):
CDEFT - Campeonato de España de Field Target.
South Africa (Za):
SAFTAA - South African Field -Target Air-rifle Association.
Venezuela (Ve):
Field Target Venezuela. Federada desde Septiembre de 2013.
Benchrest & Field Target Venezuela.
World Hunter Field Target Association:
WHFTA - World Hunter Field Target Association.
UKAHFT – UK Association for Hunter Field Target.
UK (Uk):
EFTA - England Field Target Association.
South Africa:
HFTSA – Hunter Field Target South Africa Asociation.
elepe3000. Last Update Nov/2015.
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